Artist, Eric Matelski, has made his place in the art community by painting live, curating, coordinating art events and donating his time and artwork to a number of charities and non-pro?t organizations.
As a “live artist,” over the past six years, he has painted loose portraits of musicians and performers at hundreds of concerts and events, attracting an audience of his own, and completing paintings during these performances.
Although painting live is what gained him recognition, Eric also works at a slower pace in his home studio, painting and assembling a range of experimental works of art, and installations.
Companies and individuals all over have commissioned Eric, to paint murals and custom works to elevate their decor and bring his touch to their world.
Eric serves as an art liaison for Apogaea, and La Piazza Del Arte.
In addition to his own art, Eric also focuses on other artists at his free monthly event, the First Monday Art Talk (FMAT), at Dazzle (Lincoln and 9th) in Colorado. Each month, people enjoy music, food and drinks, an interview and the artwork and in?uences of a local artist.